GEORGE W. ELY, farmer; P. O. Mason City; was born in Batavia, Clermont Co., Ohio, Feb. 11, 1820, where he followed market gardening. He married Lydia C. Noble July 27, 1846. She was born in Bethel, the same couuty, Feb. 26, 1826. They moved to Cass Co., Ill., in the spring of 1854, and to Mason Co., where he now resides, in the fall, on to his own farm. His father, George Ely, was born in New Jersey, and married Mary Maunt in New Jersey. They moved to Clermont Co., Ohio, at an early day; he bought land, and laid out Batavia on his farm; he kept a hotel, and was Sheriff of the county a number of years. Mr. G. W. Ely commenced fanning here under a cloud of unfavorable circumstances, largely owing to the breaking outof the rebellion, being in debt, having to pay exorbitant interest (18 per cent), his corn bringing only 8 to 10 cents per bushel, but energy and perseverance have enabled him to overcome aod rise above all these troubles, and place him and his in comfort and independence. They have five children: Sarah J., born July 6, 1846; Eugene B., Dec. 4, 1848; George C., Nov. 8, 1851 ; John H., Sept. 9, 1861 ; James N., May 24, 1863. The first three were born in Newtown, Ohio, and the other two in Salt Creek Township. He owns a tine farm of 304 acres, and a good home. In politics, is a Republican.